Thursday, 6 December 2012

Promote Your Website with YouTube

A little creativity goes a long way. This has been proven time and again. Creativity and resilience often go hand-in-hand when it comes to advertising and marketing. With the continuous development of technology particularly the Internet, people have found creative ways on how to promote their businesses online. One of the best mediums you can try is video promotion. Not only is it interesting, but it is also popular and flexible. It can be used in a myriad of ways depending on what you want to achieve. You can use YouTube as a marketing tool for your business, too. Here’s how.

Create Your Own Commercial
With just one creative and clever commercial and suddenly, everyone is talking about you. The same thing is possible with the Internet, only it can spread even faster. The term for this is “viral” referring to how a concept or video spreads like a virus across the net. Your video can last just a few seconds to a few minutes depending on what you want to achieve. Commercials are great because people tend to remember you even when they are offline.

Making Your Own “Vlog”
The term “Vlog” is short for “video blog”. What makes it different from a regular blog is that its posts are either solely or mostly composed of video entries. These posts should be regular, creative and relevant to a certain theme. People who are comfortable in front of the camera can be great in a video entry. If you are not after popularity and unless you are marketing something that involves you as a person or professional, you do not have to necessarily be in the video. It just has to successfully convey your message to achieve desired results. You can be part of the production, planning or perhaps even just the funding.


Monday, 3 December 2012

How to Make Money Online From Home

The current downward trend of economies across the globe has led to the loss of traditional employment opportunities and a need for many people to supplement income. This coupled with the growth of the World Wide Web has given rise to numerous online methods of making money. The majority of the methods for making money can be carried out from the comfort of your own home.  When working from home, you can make money online through several ways.

Selling Products and Services
This is one of the most common of online home businesses. These businesses concentrate on homemade items that are sold online. Products range from jewellery to mats to arts and crafts and other decorative items. Food items like muffins can also be sold online. Services sold online include graphic design, events management and social media management. Online market places like eBay and Etsy make it easier for entrepreneurs to sell products and services online. 

Freelancing is using your given set of skills, talents, knowledge or education to work as an independent contractor. You will get paid depending on your particular job set. Some common freelancing jobs include virtual assistants, writers, photographers, graphic designers and social media specialists. There are websites that has specific opportunities for freelancers. Odesk, elance and EJury are some good examples of sites with freelance opportunities.

Creating a Website
Creating a website will give you a chance to showcase different talents that you possess while making money. Most websites owned by individuals are niche based. A niche website can provide information through articles or other media like videos and photos. The website can also be   monetized to generate income. The most common monetizing methods include affiliate marketing, Google AdSense ads, advertising and job boards. However, for a website to make money it should attract high traffic.

Writing and Selling an eBook
This is one of the more rare methods used by people to make money online. However, it is also one of the most productive methods. All you need to do is to write about what you know. You then publish and market the book to make sales. Furthermore, an eBook can be used together with other monetizing methods to attract traffic.

Even though there are numerous methods of making money online, they all need hard work and a level of patience to get any results. Also it is important to create a brand name for working online from home is like running a business.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Ways to Make Money on YouTube

YouTube is a Social Media tool that is enjoyed by all kinds of people who use the internet. It is the ultimate video database that carries personal videos, video blogs, advertisements, company videos, music videos, movie trailers and so forth. Anyone can be a part of YouTube, either to upload videos, view or comment.  If you are wondering if there is a way for you to make money from it, there are so many great ideas that you can use:


Whether you are posting personal videos or you are reposting videos under your account, can earn money from every hit your video generates by putting advertisements on your videos and your YouTube profile page. Just like advertisements on websites you can put them up and you earn either through the traffic you receive and the actual clicks that you viewers make. The more clicks and traffic you get, the more money you earn.

Linking to a Website

You can easily link your viewers and visitors to your website or blog by providing them with direct links on the video or on your YouTube profile page. By doing this, you are hitting two birds with one stone because when you are successful at bringing people to your page, you get to earn from the traffic your website generates as well. 
